My Story

My home turf is the surging metropolitan area of Atlanta, burgeoning with growth and opportunity, built upon a foundation of traditional southern values like family and hospitality. It’s where I plan to live and love for a long time to come.
As a young adult, I lived in Half Moon Bay, California, a stone’s throw south of San Francisco. This coast-side town is gently nestled between low rolling hills and the often rugged, rocky edges of the majestic Pacific Ocean. The relaxed coastal views remain etched in my mind. Fields of roaming, rambling pumpkin vines. Dusty hills dotted with low growing shrubs. Eucalyptus groves that fill the air with their signature fragrance, next to rows of greenhouses filled with mini Christmas trees and roses.
Fog is a powerful part of the landscape of that west coast home town. Fog so thick and wet it makes driving hazardous. Light, airy fog that seems like it was woven by sea fairies. Towering banks of fog that block the warming rays of the sun, even in the summer – and sometimes for weeks on end. During those bleak, foggy days, like every other Coastsider, I longed for the sun and felt its absence in my bones. I knew the sun was there, just hidden behind the fog, but sometimes it was hard to find.
Life can sometimes be the same way. You wake up one day and find yourself in a fog of some sort, unable to live the life you really want to live. It’s hard to see what you need to know about yourself, your choices, your relationships and possibly, outdated patterns that no longer serve you. Sometimes fog leads to feeling disconnected. Sometimes it separates us from our native gifts and talents. On the other hand, sometimes our life is mostly sunny, but has a chronic or occasional patch of fog. Maybe it’s in a particular area of our lives like career, health or relationships. Whether the fog is thick and wet, or light and airy, it can pose a problem. Lost in any kind of fog, you may feel weighted down, disoriented, or defeated. You might be functioning day-to-day, but find yourself longing for something different… if you only knew what.
Sometimes, you need the help of others to lift the fog. That’s where I come in. I provide intuitive coaching and other services to help you navigate and emerge from the fog with the goal of seeing your life with crystal-clear clarity and improving your overall wellness. I firmly believe that you have every resource you need within you. My role is not to provide prescriptive answers but rather, help you find your own answers.
Why do I do this work? Because I love being present for people’s ah-ha moments. Because I’ve lived in the fog and needed help getting out of it. More than once. I know the pain that life can sometimes bring forward and I know the joy of releasing it. Supporting others in a deeply transformative way is a cornerstone of my life’s purpose and to be fully present for my clients is among the sweetest gifts life has to offer.
If you would like to know more about me and the services I offer or are ready to clear the fog of your life to live with more awareness, connection, and intention, please contact me.