

“Many of us are frightened to look within ourselves, and fear has us put up walls so thick we no longer remember who we really are.” – Debbie Ford

What a few of my clients have to say

“Engaging with Katie through her holistic practice has provided me distinct outputs for both my feet on the ground and my head in sky. I’ve experienced improvements in my physical, mental and spiritual health. It has helped clear up stubborn eczema and nagging back pain, my creativity and humor have been restored, I’ve stoically advanced through some heavy life circumstances without anxiety, and I’m now living more mindfully with clearer purpose.

Most important for me: I’ve learned new ways to interpret and interact with our reality. The paradigm of life is not designed to be a hamster wheel of struggle. It’s an adventure intended to be enjoyed. Katie taught me how to lean in and leverage all available resources, and break through my self-limiting beliefs.  Ultimately this has opened up a door to an infinitely more fulfilling path where anything is possible!” – Diego 

“Katie is one of the most joyous and encouraging life coaches I’ve worked with. Her intuitive abilities helped me achieve personal and professional growth. She guided me with specific actions to achieve a leadership strength. Katie helps me see my weaknesses and how I can work to make them stronger. She also encourages my strengths and guides me to use them to achieve success. I confidently believe that the guidance I received from Katie is priceless. I’m forever thankful.” – Danesa

“Katie is a bright light in a complex world.  Her energy is fun, joyful and easy to work with. When I first started working with Katie as my personal life coach, I was burned out and frantic at work and lonely and depressed at home. She took a very professional, discrete and intuitive approach, where we explored my personal values, completed a personality assessment, and discovered the mental blocks and saboteurs from the past that were no longer serving me.   Over time, we worked to release energies that were blocking the path to my happiest and most authentic self. It helped me get a promotion at work into a dream job I could not have created without her. We continue our coaching relationship to this day, where I always learn something new that I can put into practice.  Katie is like having a sherpa to guide you through life’s mazes, large or small, with confidence. I can’t put a price on how it’s improved my life and I’m very grateful every day for her talents, guidance and friendship.” – Todd 

“Katie is the gift that keeps on giving…I have known Katie for many years, mostly in a professional capacity and over the past few years as a true friend.  Katie has positive, sincere and compassionate energy, she has helped me recover the pieces of myself that I had repressed for many years and recently after the loss of my job to help me regain my self-esteem and purpose for life.  This was exactly what I needed in order to heal and move forward with confidence.  She has also helped me release some energies that were no longer useful to me.  Her intuitive skills are amazing, and I am so grateful to know such a beautiful soul. I highly recommend Katie to anyone searching for guidance to work through life issues in a confidential, encouraging and engaging approach.” – Brenda

“I have been meeting with Katie for about five years now, from shortly after graduating college and through the majority of my 20’s. I can’t even begin to put into words the impact she has had on my life. Our early days revolved around some self-discovery, as I became deeply aware of what drives my thoughts and feelings and I was able to build a framework around principals and saboteurs that has helped me in the pursuit of greater happiness. Since then, Katie has been an amazing sounding board, providing invaluable insight for how to approach situations ranging from career to relationships and further self improvement. She has provided clarity for me all without giving “advice” but rather by providing resources for me to come to conclusions on my own. I can’t overstate the impact that Katie has had on me and would highly recommend her to anyone in search of a life coach / mentor.” – Toby

“Katie is an amazing person that has added so much value to my life, both professionally and personally. When I first met Katie, I believe I had a confused and frustrated look on my face. She could tell that something was bothering me and said that if I ever needed to chat she was available. Well, I took her advice and schedule some time with her and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made. Working with Katie over the years has truly been nothing short of amazing. She has been a career coach, a life coach, and a great friend. Katie has helped me out tremendously and given the opportunity, she can do the same for you.” – Kenneth

“Katie is one the best people I know to help you work through an issue, develop a concrete plan and achieve the results that you want. She cares on a very deep level and takes the time to ensure she understands the person and how your particular challenge has manifested itself in your life. Thought-provoking questions and the ability to see an issue from all perspectives means you get the tools you need to take your goals and dreams to the next level. She is in it for the long haul. Nothing could make her more joyful than your happiness and success – whatever that looks like for you.” – Ashley

As a coach, Katie provides new ways of thinking, points in the direction of others’ published research and serves as a role model of living life full of good work, kindness and joy.  I value Katie’s support.” – Frances

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